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brand identity

What Is Brand Identity?

Brand identity mainly revolves around the visual aspects of your brand that determine how your audience sees you. It’s a collection of visual brand assets that shape your brand’s appearance. Your brand identity is what sets you apart from the competition and makes you memorable. 

While it’s useful to be aware of the similarities between you and your competitors, it’s more important to clearly demonstrate the differences. The brand identity accentuates the unique aspects of your brand and strategically communicates them to your audience.

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Brand Identity vs. Brand Image

It’s easy to confuse these two similar terms. Let’s break each term to make it clear.

In a nutshell, brand identity is all about you and how you present your business, whereas the brand image is about the audience and how they perceive you. When these two align, we have a case of successful branding.

Brand identity is developed by you, while the brand image is how the audience perceives your brand. Or, in other words, brand identity is what you want your brand to be, and brand image is what it is in the eyes of your audience.

So basically.....

Brand identity is that which separates your business from all the rest, highlighting what’s original and special about you. Knowing your brand’s uniqueness is one thing, but effectively communicating it to the public is another. That’s why you need a clear intention and smart strategy to build your brand’s identity.

At its best, brand identity is always consistent but never rigid. Consistent brand identity fosters brand recognition. Carefully weigh each aspect of your brand and make sure that it all ties together beautifully to create a balanced identity.

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